DUNEX Employee Competency Development Workshop "Continuous Improvement" for Enhancing Work Effectiveness in Every Division
Sunter, June 8, 2024 - held a Continuous Improvement Skills Development Workshop. The event aimed to explore the potential and enhance the continuous improvement skills of all employees.
In the background of this event, ’s internal evaluation revealed that many employees struggled to answer questions related to continuous improvement. Therefore, took proactive steps to help employees understand and effectively apply the concept of continuous improvement.
Continuous improvement is an ongoing process involving every employee in identifying, evaluating, and implementing changes to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of work and the results achieved. This process focuses on consistent, incremental improvements in daily activities, with active participation from all team members, to achieve sustainable progress and deliver positive impacts to the company.
The organizing committee from the team, represented by Mr. Fathoni, stated, "With this training or briefing, we hope the impact can be felt throughout the company. We hope that can become more advanced and grow further".
The benefits of this activity are significant. For employees, they can learn new skills that can improve individual performance and contribute more effectively within the team. For the company, this activity can enhance overall efficiency and productivity, as well as encourage innovation and continuous improvement across various operational areas. Thus, this activity not only provides short-term benefits but also helps become a more advanced and developed company through the small contributions of each employee.
Through this activity, employees are expected to understand and apply the concept of continuous improvement. This small step will bring great benefits to them and the company as a whole, leading towards a brighter and more successful future.